8 Signs to Drop a Freelance Client and Move On

8 Signs to Drop a Freelance Client and Move On

Quick summary:

1. Instead of desperately trying to keep one or two major projects, develop a system that lets you meet your monthly income goals, regardless of which clients leave.

2. Before putting in more hours for a project, discuss the deliverables and compensation with your client.

3. Set the tone for your projects by explicitly itemizing your project goals, daily deliverables, expected responsibilities, and contract duration in this document.

4. As a freelancer, you have total control over the projects in your pipeline, so there's no reason to retain an outright disrespectful client

#biyro #clientsatisfactionguaranteed #acceptingnewclients #coolclients #clients

More: https://biyro.com/blog/freelance/8-signs-to-drop-a-freelance-client-and-move-on/


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