Autonomo: What you need to know about being self-employed in Spain - Olive Press News Spain

Autonomo: What you need to know about being self-employed in Spain - Olive Press News Spain

Recent highlights:

1. If you live in Spain for 183 days a year, you're considered a tax resident and are obliged to declare your worldwide income and pay income tax called 'Impuestos sobre la Renta de Personas Físicas' (IRPF).

2. Once you're 'alta' as an autonomo, you must pay a monthly fee to the Hacienda and submit quarterly VAT and income tax returns – this usually involves employing a 'gestor' to do your accounts.

3. Estate agent, Matthew Wood of Lanjaron Properties, says: Reducing the barriers to entry would actually increase tax income for the Hacienda if more people paid a fair rate

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