Why Not A Freelance / Solopreneur Track At University

Why Not A Freelance / Solopreneur Track At University
Recent highlights:
1. Both articles lead me to a modest proposal: with millions of professionals choosing to freelance on a part- or full-time basis, in a very fast growing range of professionals, we need a formal curriculum that enables future independent professionals to kickstart their freelance career with greater awareness, knowledge, skill, and confidence.
2. Up to this time, formal education at the university level has had just two professional career tracks legitimized and supported through university curriculum: entrepreneurs and career employees
#biyro #workfromhome #welovedaily #afirabiauraap #infusionsoft
More: https://biyro.com/blog/freelance/why-not-a-freelance-solopreneur-track-at-university/
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